You will be welcomed at the door by a greeter. Don’t hesitate to ask “where to go?” or “what’s next”. They‘re here to serve and assist you.
As you enter the worship center, an usher will have bulletins to follow along if you would like. The entire service is projected on two large screens on each side of the altar.
Our services follow a liturgy structured around the Lutheran Divine Service. If you know what that means, great! If you don’t, that’s ok as well.
Our music is provided by our in-house praise team of talented volunteers. Services typically last just under an hour.
We have a staffed nursery as well as a family room welcome for anyone to use. We love having kids in service too! You will not be alone and children are lively and welcome every time we worship.
We are so happy to see you today. As a guest, do not feel obligated to give. Our offering is collected in plates at the back, or online giving below.
Do you have a question we can help with? Are you interested in joining us? Would you like to talk with a staff member? Please click the button below and fill out the form.